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A project was approved by NSFC. Additionally, an cooperation agreement was signed with coco cola company in Tianjin.

A project back end that supplies applications and work units, and that handles the computational results. 项目后端,用来提供计算程序和任务包并处理计算结果。
A project consists of a single product, but that product may include subsidiary elements, each with their own separate but interdependent product scope. 项目包括单一的产品,但是产品可能包括辅助要素,每个有自己单独的但相互依赖的产品范围。
A project is a tempory endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. 项目是为创建一个独特的产品或服务而付出的一段时间的努力。
A project manager who blindsides his partners will be treated in kind and will be considered a person of no integrity. 一个对同事封闭的项目经理会遭到同样的待遇,他会被当做一个缺乏整体观念的人。
A project might, for example, recruit other organizations to donate network bandwidth by hosting data servers; data could be moved on tape between the project back end and the data servers. 比如,一个工程可以吸收其他组织通过集群数据服务器捐献出来的网络带宽;在磁带上的数据,可以在工程后台和数据服务器之间不断迁移(工程在后台通过磁带与数据服务器之间交换数据)。
A project was approved by NSFC. Additionally, an cooperation agreement was signed with coco cola company in Tianjin. 申请的国家自然科学基金获得批准,另外与天津可口可乐公司签署了横向合作协议。
A project will be done in phases through the term, culminating in a project report that accounts for 1/3rd of the course grade. 在学期中要按阶段完成一个项目,最后写一个项目报告,占课程成绩的1/3。
A projected track shows the hurricane should slam into Mexico's Yucatan Peninsular late Monday. 预测路线图表明飓风应该在周一晚些时候登陆墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛。
A projecting cam, as on a rotating shaft, that activates another machine part. 凸轮如转轴上突出的挺杆,使另一个机器零件活动
A projecting part, especially a nib. 向前突出的部位,尤指笔尖
A projector is applied to inspect the drill geometry and dimensional accuracy. 例如钻头的几何形状及尺寸精度是以精密投影机检验。

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