Employees will be,figuratively speaking,in the driver's seat.
打个比方来说,雇员将会坐在驾驶座上,即取得主动权。 |
Employees with HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B or hepatitis C should be treated in the same manner as any employee with a non-work related illness (eg., cancer, heart disease).
有HIV/AIDS,B型肝炎或C型肝炎的雇员应该得到和其他任何没有影响工作(工作相关)的疾病(如癌症,心脏病)的雇员相同的待遇。 |
Employer fear a domino effect if the strike is successful.
雇主们担心一旦罢工胜利就会引起多米诺效应。 |
Employer groups have appealed for years to Ottawa for a more balanced system that takes into account their needs for foreign workers.
雇主组织已经连续数年呼吁渥太华重视他们对外国劳工的需求,制定一套更加平衡的移民政策。 |
Employer groups have been concerned by the recent slowdown in productivity growth while Australia's relatively high minimum wages have long been seen as an impediment to job creation.
由于近年劳动生产率增长放缓,雇主团体非常担忧,而长期以来,澳大利亚相对较高的最低工资一直被视为创造就业的障碍。 |
Employer references on their letter headed paper, clearly showing the start and end dates of each position held during the employment, the job title and a description of duties and responsibilities held.
信头有雇主证明,清楚地显示出在雇用期间每个职位的开始和结束日期,工作岗位和责任描述。 |
Employer: Uh… not normally. What do you have in mind?
呃……一般是不行。你有什么想法? |
Employer: Would you consider an offer of $56,000 per year?
年薪五万六千美元,可以考虑吗? |
Employers and Labor Unions: We hold up for public execration the conduct of two opposite classes of men: The practice among employers of importing ignorant Negro-American laborers in emergencies, and then affording them neither protection nor permanent em
雇主和工会:我们把人们这样对待两个对立阶级的行径公之于众,使公众对之深恶痛绝:雇方一方在紧急情况下招进无辜的美国黑人工人,然后既不给他们提供保护,也不让他们长期就业;而工会一方则只因为他们是黑人,便排斥、抵制并欺压这批成千上万的劳苦工友。 |
Employers appear to be holding off on pay increases, using the money instead to pay for rising health-insurance bills, which now account for 7.7% of workers' compensation, up from 5.9% in 2000.
职员中延迟支付的现象也在上升,将原本用于健康保险的钱用于消费,这笔钱占员工工资从2000年的5.9%提高到现在的7.7%。 |
Employers are being encouraged to hire disabled workers.
雇主受鼓励雇用残废的工人。 |