Appearances of postmodern city cultures are some phenomena and trends which are showing the feature of postmodernism in our cities, and that are also the appearances of collision between different culture spirit and different value concept in the processi
摘要后现代的城市文化现象是目前在城市中所出现的一些带有后现代特征因素的现象和趋势,它是在我国的文化转型过程中各种文化精神和价值观念的碰撞现象。 |
Appeared in the L.A. stage and British film version of Dutchman (1967), a racial drama, which was produced by her then-husband Eugene Persson.
出现在洛杉矶的舞台上,随后英国版的《荷兰人》的女主角,制作人是她后来的丈夫。 |
Appearing as if affected by such a disorder; sickly.
患胆病的似由上述不适影响表现出的;有病的 |
Appearing briefly in his own films was a trademark of Alfred Hitchcock.
在自己的影片里短暂露面是阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克的特点。 |
Appearing in or characteristic of successive generations.
世代相传的历代都出现的,历代都有此特征的 |
Appearing instead are brownish tongue-shaped clouds with a stream of white swirls below them.
代之以一种褐色的舌状云和它下面的一个白色漩涡流。 |
Appearing on the latest list are foreign brands well known to Chinese consumers, such as Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut and Kao.
出现在最新的黑名单上的外国品牌对于中国客户来说都耳熟能详,例如肯德基、必胜客和花王。 |
Appearing with a soft, crackling sound, this spell creates a handful of shimmering light.
随着一声清脆的声音,可变出一把微弱的光亮。 |
Appears as dog of great beauty, standing with impassive dignity, with no part out of proportion to whole.
苏格兰牧羊犬体态优美威严,身体的任何部分都能与整体构成和谐的比例。 |
Appears to examine the idea.
看起来好像在考虑这个建议。 |
Appeatance : Shine with grey or dark grey metallic lustre.
外观:表面呈灰色或暗灰色金属光泽。 |