The Most important is the research to the PU Song-ling and his work (Liao Zhai Zhi Yi) getting a substantial development, keeping about half a century, and appears many outstanding scholars, who obtained plenteous results.
最引人注目的还是对蒲松龄及其著作(主要是《聊斋志异》)的研究得到了长足发展,并且持续近半个世纪之久,涌现出一批出色的硕儒新进,取得了丰硕的成果。 |
The Mother Superior is the soul of compassion.
那个女修道院院长是具有同情心的典范。 |
The Mother and Cub Bears are in a mission where it is very cold. In that mission, the player is required to fly low.
线索1--熊妈妈和小熊们都住在一个非常冷的任务中,在这在任务中,玩家被要求低空飞行的。 |
The Mother and Cub Bears are not along the waterside, but they are near the water.
线索5--熊妈妈和小熊并不是沿着水边,但它们都靠近水边。 |
The Mother's Day International Association was incorporated on December 12, 1912.
1912年12月12日,“母亲节国际协会”成立。 |
The Motherly Matriarch (Mazu) cult began in the coastal areas and has lasted for one thousand years.
对慈祥的妈祖女神的膜拜开始于沿海地区,并已延续了一千年。 |
The Motion Picture Association of America on Thursday unveiled its latest tool in the war on movie piracy: a pair of DVD-sniffing Labrador Retrievers named Lucky and Flo.
上周四,美国电影联合会公布了反盗版战争中的最新“武器”:两只能够嗅出DVD光盘、分别名为“拉基”和“弗洛”的拉布拉多猎犬。 |
The Motion Picture Association of America, which represents Hollywood's major studios, estimates that fans are downloading 400,000 to 600,000 digital movies every day on the Internet —— a worrying number for an industry that has watched the music business
代表好莱屋几家主要制片公司的美国电影协会估计,影迷每天在因特网上要下载400,000到600,000部的数字电影,这个数字对于目睹音乐产业被大量先前的音乐数据文件交换推向破产边缘的电影产业来说是令人担忧的。 |
The Motor Show is usually held in October.
汽车展览会通常在十月举行。 |
The Mouse sends a message to the Game Controller whenever a button is clicked.
当按纽被单击时,鼠标向游戏控制发送一条消息。 |
The Movement Disorder Society (MDS) is an international professional society of clinicians, scientists, and other healthcare professionals, who are interested in Parkinson's disease, related neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders, hyperkinetic
运动疾病学会:对巴金森氏症、神经退化、神经发展相关疾病、过动症与肌肉和运动控制异常有兴趣的临床医生、科学家与健康照护人员的国际专业学会。 |