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He picked up a piece of paper and put it into the dustbin.

He picked the watch up from the carpet. 他从地毯上把表捡起来。
He picked up a book optionally. 他随意地拿了本书.
He picked up a handful of gravel and drew back his arm to throw.Stop it, Peter, Lucy called.What do you think you are doing? For shame, leave them alone. 他抓起一把石子,扬起胳膊就要扔。“住手,彼得。”露西叫道:“你为什么要这样?真丢脸,把石子放下。”
He picked up a hitch-hiker. 他中途让一个搭便车的人上了车。
He picked up a long pipe which was covered with coins. 他拿起了一个长长的、上面镶有硬币的管乐器。
He picked up a piece of paper and put it into the dustbin. 他捡起一张纸把它放在垃圾箱里。
He picked up a purse on the street. 他在街上拾到一个钱包。
He picked up a stone and let fly at the balking dog. 他捡起一块石头朝那狂吠的狗扔去。
He picked up his bag and hurried off along the platform. 他拿起提包急急忙忙地沿著站台走了。
He picked up his bag and hurried off. 他提起包匆匆走了。
He picked up his crying child. 他抱起了他的啼哭的孩子。

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