Whether we had to wait in line, listen to an unfair criticism, or do the lion\'s share of the work, it pays enormous dividends if we learn not to worry about little things.
不管我们必须排队等候,聆听不公正的批评,还是做大部分的工作,如果我们学会不为琐事所困扰,我们就会大受裨益,收获甚丰。 |
Whether we had to wait in line, listen to unfair criticism, or do the lions share of the work, it pays enormous dividends if we learn not to worry about little things.
不管我们排队等候,聆听不公正的批评,还是做大量工作,如果我们学会不为琐事所困扰,我们就会大受裨益,收获甚丰。 |
Whether we like it or not, we're bound tightly together in our social and economic life.
无论我们愿意与否,我们在社会生活的和经济生活中已密切联系在一起。 |
Whether we realize it or not, each of us carries about with us a mental blueprint or picture of ourselves.
不管我们是否意识到,我们每个人的脑海里都有一幅自我设计图或自我画像。 |
Whether we should hold a farewell banquet for her?
我们要不要为她开个送别晚宴呢? |
Whether we were able to hold a farewell dinner party.
我们要不要为她开个送别晚宴呢? |
Whether we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather.
我们明天是否在户外开晚会要看天气而定。 |
Whether we'll go camping or not this weekend depends on the weather.
这个周末是否去露营要看天气。 |
Whether we'll go on our field trip or not this Sunday depends on the weather.
这个星期天我们是否去郊游取决于天气。 |
Whether we're rich or poor, sick or healthy.” But since our wedding day, we've found out those promises are much easier said than done!
但是,从我们婚礼的那天开始,我们发现这些誓言说起来容易做起来难。 |
Whether you are a Chinese factory that wants FREE services to attract more importers, or a buyer that is looking to get goods produced within China, we have something to offer you.
不管你是想要提供免费服务来吸引更多进口商的中国厂家,或是卖方想要自己的产品在中国得到发展,我们都可以给您提供帮助。 |