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We started an Amway business after coming across the company's products and recognising that great products must have a market.

We start teaching the sounds of the alphabet to pupils unable to speak English from the very first day they set foot in the classroom, no matter how few English words they know. 对于那些不会说英语的学生,从他们进教室的第一天起我们就教他们字母的发音,不管他们知道的单词有多么少。
We start to budget for the project. 我开始为工程做预算.
We start to slacken the minute we find excuses for ourself. 人都是在原谅自己的那一分钟开始懈怠。
We start with the highest “select quality” float glass. 高档银镜的制造从挑选优质原片开始。
We start work at seven everyday. 我们每天从七点开始工作。
We started an Amway business after coming across the company's products and recognising that great products must have a market. 发展安利是因为我们认同安利的产品,认为真正有效的产品一定会有市场。
We started by examining the effects of using genetic engineering to insert either extra copies of normal huntingtin or mutant forms of the gene into neurons grown in culture dishes in the laboratory. 一开始,我们利用基因工程的方法,把多馀备份的正常或突变杭丁顿基因,注入实验室所培养的神经细胞当中。
We started dating a few weeks ago. 我们几星期前开始约会。
We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。
We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们早早地动了身.
We started hair and makeup at 2 pm before driving an hour out of Shanghai to a town named Che Dun which is created specially for filming movies. 我们在下午2点开始做头发和化妆,后开车至离上海1小时的车墩镇,那里是专门的影视拍摄基地。

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