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The panic-stricken mother is looking for her child.

The panel of judges had a much different purpose with their Westminster Kennel Club counterparts. Bowed legs, deep wrinkles, bloodshot eyes, protruding teeth and clever costumes were considered strong attributes. 本届选美大赛评审团采用的评选标准和英国威斯敏斯特小狗俱乐部大不一样,腿如弯弓、皱纹深陷、双眼发红、牙齿外突、装扮另类成为本次选美最具吸引力的特性。
The panel was chosen to take part in discussion. 那个专门小组被选中参加讨论。
The panelist was Zhang Jiannan, Microsoft Club technology minister of Shandong University. 主讲人是山东大学微软俱乐部技术部部长张剑楠。
The panic-stricken crowd rushed to the emergency exit. 惊恐万状的人群朝紧急出处口跑去。
The panic-stricken crowd rushed to the exit when the theater caught fire. 当戏院著火时,惊慌失措的群众冲向门口。
The panic-stricken mother is looking for her child. 那位惊恐万状的母亲在寻找她的孩子。
The panicle seed setting rate is mainly confined by secondary branch seed setting rate, and they have significantly positive correlation. 结实率主要受控于二次枝梗结实特性,育种上要从结实率角度挖掘水稻的增产潜力,就要着重考虑选育二次枝梗结实率高进而结实率高的品种。
The panics that characterize the early hours after the earthquake struck has subsided, replace now by a mixture of shock and quiet purpose. 在地震袭击开始的前几个小时里表现出的惊慌失措已经褪去,取而代之的是震惊和期望平静的混合。
The panorama of color and action fill the world is taken for granted. 大干世界中的五光十色的千姿百态被认为是理所当然的。
The panorama of color and action which fills the world is taken for granted. 充满世间的色彩和动作的景象被当成理所当然,或许,这是人性共有的特点。
The panorama of color fill the world of flower! 缤纷的色彩充满了花的世界。

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