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After many years of hard work, the manufacturer has solved such difficult problems of hydraulic door-closing mechanism as oil leakage, environment contamination, unstable closing-speed because of the variation of the of temperature, and spring metal fatig

After many years abroad, he wanted to return home to his country. 在国外多年后,他想回到故乡。
After many years dedicated research and development, E.sun products have been widely used and installed both in domestic and abroad in the gravure printing. 经过数年的发展,东日牌静电吸墨装置已在国外、国内众多品牌的凹版印刷机上安装使用。
After many years development, my school had the independent campus, the teaching facility consummates year by year. 经过多年的发展,我校已具有独立的校园,教学设施逐年完善。
After many years development, purchasing high-speed nuts cold-forged and tooth drilling machines improving quality and capacity notably, the capacity of production has been to 30000 tons per year at present. 在历经多年辛苦耕耘后,于2001年购置台湾产高速螺母成型机及攻牙机,使本公司的产品质量及产量都有显著提高,目前年产量已达到3万吨。
After many years of hard work, he won the award in the end. 经过许多年的努力, 他最后终于获得了大奖。
After many years of hard work, the manufacturer has solved such difficult problems of hydraulic door-closing mechanism as oil leakage, environment contamination, unstable closing-speed because of the variation of the of temperature, and spring metal fatig 经过多年不懈努力,终于攻克了液压闭门器无法解决的难题,比如:漏油、污染环境、速度随温度而变化,金属弹簧易疲劳等。
After many years the people in Jerusalem became lazy and began to mix with the people of the land and they stopped building Jerusalem. 许多年后耶路撒冷的犹太人变得懒惰,开始和当地其他民族通婚并停建耶路撒冷。
After many years' improvement, it has been in the menu of Sichuan Cuisine for many years, such as Fried sliced pig liver meat with spicy sauce, Fried sliced pork meat with spicy sauce, Braised Egg plant and Fried three vegetables with spicy sauce. 后来这款菜经过了四川人若干年的改进,现已早早列入四川菜谱,如鱼香猪肝、鱼香肉丝、鱼香茄子和鱼香三丝等。
After many years, his plans have come to fulfillment. 很多年之后,他的计划实现了。
After many years, our plans have come to fulfillment. 我们的计画在许多年后终于已经来到实施阶段。
After maore then 10 years of exploration, a relatively perfect multiple function campus network information system has been formed in Jiangsu Polytechnic University. 江苏工业学院历经10余年的探索,形成了较为完善的综合性、多功能校园网络信息应用系统和服务平台。

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