The only way we designers and developers can help the web achieve this noble goal is by authoring to these recommendations, while taking care to ensure that the sites still work as best they can in non–compliant browsers.
目前设计者和开发人员所能做的应该是朝这个理想的目标发展,并尽可能的保证这些站依然能在那些非标准的浏览器(就是对标准支持性不太理想的)上正常地工作。 |
The only way will be to develop Social Systems Engineering.
惟有发展社会系统工程才是不二法门。 |
The only way“out”is“in”.
“摆脱”的唯一办法是“深入”。 |
The only wizarding hospital we know of,St. Mungo's is located behind the facade of Purge and Dowse, Ltd.in London.
我们所知的唯一一所巫师医院,人们从伦敦的淘淘百货公司的正面进入圣芒戈. |
The only worthwhile achievements of man are those which are socially useful.
人的成就只有对社会有用才是有价值的. |
The onset is usually in later life.
一般在晚年起病。 |
The onset may be due to movement or change in position.
可能会在移动身体或改变姿势时发生。 |
The onset of claudication had been on average 7.5 months previous.
6以往发生跛行的时间为平均7.5月。 |
The onset of dyspnea in heart disease usually signifies an ominous prognosis.
心脏病患者出现呼吸困难通常提示预后不良。 |
The onset of the disease is gradual.
这疾病的发病是缓渐的。 |
The onset of the enemy took us by surprise.
敌人的进攻出乎我们意外。 |