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Identification, Full-length cDNA Construction and Expression of Part Coat Protein Gene of Giardiavirus in Giardia Lamblia Isolated from Human in China

Identification of Transcriptional Factor MEOX2 Binding Protein 转录因子MEOX2相互作用蛋白的鉴定研究
Identification of gastric cancer-related genes by multiple high throughput analysis and data mining 联合多种高通量表达谱数据分析筛选胃癌相关基因
Identification of ligands for human LOX-1 through fluorescence polarization-based high throughput screening 基于极化荧光方法的人LOX-1配体高通量筛选
Identification of the Antibodies against IgG Allotype G_1m(x),G_1m(f),G_3m(g),G_3m(b~(1,4)) and Km(1) IgG同种异型G_1m(x),G_1m(f),G_3m(g),G_3m(b~(1,4))和Km(1)抗体的发现
Identification, Detection and Molecular Variability of Coat Protein Gene of the Pathogen of Maize Dwarf Mosaic Disease 玉米矮花叶病病原鉴定、检测及外壳蛋白基因变异研究
Identification, Full-length cDNA Construction and Expression of Part Coat Protein Gene of Giardiavirus in Giardia Lamblia Isolated from Human in China 中国蓝氏贾第虫病毒的鉴定、全长cDNA构建及部分衣壳蛋白表达
Identification, Sclerotial Differentiation and Carotenoid Production of Penicillium sp.PT95 青霉PT95菌株的鉴定、菌核分化和产生类胡萝卜素的研究
If the remainer of the five-byte multinomial divided by x~8+x~2+x+1 is 0, the five-byte is a correct cell header. With the later 48 bytes, an ATM cell is formed. 信元定界的算法描述如下:RxSync通过连续的检测5个字节,若发现5个字节的多项式除以x~8+x~2+x+1后余0,则表明这5个字节就是信元头,再加上后面的48个字节就是一个ATM信元。
IgA was the main immunoglobulin in anti-DPV virulent strain nature infection. IgA是抗DPV强毒自然感染的主要免疫球蛋白。
Image analysis of DNA index(ploidy) in prognostic evaluation of ractal carcinoma 细胞DNA指数(倍体)图像分析估计直肠癌的预后
Imami reports that there is a shift of cytokines in HIV infected individuals. Level of type I cytokines are higher than normal control in early stage of HIV infection and type II cytokines are in the lead in AIDS patients. Imami等人发现体内细胞因子存在漂移现象,HIV-1感染早期Ⅰ型细胞因子水平较正常对照高,而进入艾滋病期的患者体内以Ⅱ型细胞因子为主,Ghose R等人也证实Ⅰ型细胞因子有利于保护HIV感染者,而Ⅱ型细胞因子则不利于病情的控制。

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