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Because empirical distributions of rates of return on risky securities have characters of skewness and excess kurtosis, this article puts forward studying portfolio selection model conditional on non-normal stable distributions.

Because each language all has its cultural characteristic, the rhetoric characteristic and the expression custom, therefore the translator should adopt each method in the translation humorous process, reappearance original text rhetoric characteristic, co 由于每种语言都有其文化特点、修辞特点和表达习惯,因此译者在翻译幽默的过程中应采取各种方法,再现原文的修辞特点、内涵奥妙和幽默的联想。
Because each path takes the form of a chord—a straight line connecting two points at the edge of the sun's disk—astronomers could measure the angular shift between the paths by comparing the durations of the transits. 因为每条路径都是一条弦(连接太阳盘面边缘两点的直线),天文学家便能比较凌日持续的时间,而计算路径间的角差。
Because education gies people knowledge and teaches them how to become good citizens so as to be able to sere their country. 因为教育给予人民知识并教他们如何成为好公民以便能为国家效力。
Because electro-hydraulic servo system has lag circle、dead zone、nonlinear tache, and difficult to ascertain the precise mathematic model, fuzzy control test system was designed to overcome the system disadvantage, the design method of fuzzy cotroller and 摘要针对电液伺服系统中往往存在死区、滞环等非线性环节,很难建立精确的数学模型等特点,设计了一个模糊控制测试系统,克服了系统的缺点,给出了模糊控制器的设计方法和计算机模糊控制软件实现方案。
Because emerging economies' supply of financial instruments is so unreliable, people may hoard more of them as a precautionary measure. 因为新兴经济体提供的金融工具是如此不可靠,人们可能会大量储藏这些(国外金融工具)作为预防措施。
Because empirical distributions of rates of return on risky securities have characters of skewness and excess kurtosis, this article puts forward studying portfolio selection model conditional on non-normal stable distributions. 摘要针对风险证券收益率的经验分布所具有的偏态和过度峰态等非正态分布特征,提出在非正态稳定分布条件下研究投资组合模型。
Because energy can be changed from one form into another, electricity can be changed into heat energy, mechanical energy, light energy, etc. 能量能从一种形式转换为另一种形式,所以电可以转变为热能、机械能、光能等等。
Because engine noise takes on complicated frequency characteristics, if original noise signal is not collected, the noise control effect will not be evident. 由于发动机噪声的频率成分比较复杂,如果采用主动降噪技术不能适时采集到源噪声信号,就达不到理想的降噪效果。
Because engineering the shortage of the quantity, be regarded as a design of advertise the placard, I also connect to do. 由于工程量的不足,就算是广告招牌的设计我也接来做。
Because establishing and maintaining a sustainable economy entails an enormous change of mind and heart by economists, politicians and voters, one might well be tempted to declare that such a project would be impossible. 要建立并维持永续经济,须仰仗经济学家、政治人物与选民大幅调整心态,因此也许有人会宣称这样的计画并不可行。
Because even when you have the facts, you can't always deduce an outcome. 因为即使当你知道了事实,往往也无法推论出结果。

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