Jade species richness, color-coded score jade, stone, topaz, white, Mo, spent jade, jade Lake, Green Lake, fat, green white. |
中文意思: 岫玉种类丰富,按颜色分有碧玉、青玉、黄玉、白玉,墨玉、花玉、湖玉、湖水绿、苹果绿、绿白等。 |
Jade is a traditional handicraft with long history in China which has a good reputation as oriental treasure.
玉器,是中国历史悠久的传统工艺品,素有“东方瑰宝”之美誉。 |
Jade people under special medical care and has a low temperature value of the physical characteristics of Chinese medicine and advocated by the first foot cooler temperaturetheory, developed by health jade pillow.
人们根据玉石特殊的保健医疗价值及具有低温的物理特征,并结合中医所倡导“头凉脚温”的理论,设计制作出保健玉枕。 |
Jade pillow, as the ancient Chinese emperor Queen's Pillow, has 2000 years of history, according to historical records, several Chinese emperors as longevity Wu Zetian, Qianlong, Kangxi, Empress Dowager Cixi lifelong Yu pillow.
玉枕,作为中国古代皇帝御用枕,已有两千多年的历史,据史料记载,中国几位高寿皇帝如武则天、乾隆、康熙、慈禧太后终生以玉为枕。 |
Jade polished 1920s, the head very adequate, exquisite natural color that comes moving, yellow-green and black which cleverly distribution, but also doubled its value, a very rare one Need Du-furnishing articles.
玉质细腻莹润,水头极足,色泽精美自然,美艳动人,黄绿色以及黑色巧妙地分布其中,更令其身价倍增,十分难得的一款极品独玉摆件。 |
Jade polished stone, texture meticulous and machinery oil shine.
玉质细腻温润,质地缜密,油润亮泽。 |
Jade species richness, color-coded score jade, stone, topaz, white, Mo, spent jade, jade Lake, Green Lake, fat, green white.
岫玉种类丰富,按颜色分有碧玉、青玉、黄玉、白玉,墨玉、花玉、湖玉、湖水绿、苹果绿、绿白等。 |
Jade stiffness , thin density height , texture be fairly good! Du Shan county jade riot of colour, is bright-colored , the texture is fine and smooth , smoothness is good.
玉质坚硬,细密度高,质地较好!独山玉五彩斑斓,色泽鲜艳,质地细腻,光洁度好。 |
Jade was filled with great sorrow.
探长蓝振强(周润发饰)负责调查这宗命案。 |
Jade was the symbol of royal power and wealth. You don't find these goods in commoner graves and even very rarely in nonroyal elite burials.
翡翠是皇家权力和财富的象征。你不会在一般平民的墓穴中发现这些东西,甚至在非皇室的精英人物墓中也很罕见。 |
Jade works using the natural system to fight one carefully and thoroughly gratifying Green-shaped jade scallops Salisbury, the feature can also carry comb!
作品采用天然岫玉精心打制一款青透喜人的长柄形玉梳,小巧精致的梳子亦可随身携带! |
Jadeite Health aims to help the enterprise, family and individual to manage their health and achieve the best healthy condition, adopting most effective means, to improve living quality and efficiency during their daily work against chronic disease, sub-h
峻琦健康旨在帮助企业、机构等集体单位和家庭、个人等采用更为有效的手段,实施个性化的健康全方位管理,使人群或个体在健康方面达到最佳状况,帮助其预防慢性病、摆脱亚健康,提高客户的生活质量和工作效率,以从根本上提高个体或群体的健康水平和生命质量为最终追求目标。 |