The Chinese classie poetry included full and profound philosophic theory as well as deep thought of the two, increases the life force of poetry.
摘要在中国古典诗歌中,既包涵著丰富深刻的哲理,也蕴含著发人深省的禅意,二者相融相通,增强了诗歌的生命力。 |
The Chinese coal mine workers of modern times grew from the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and, besides having the common features with the ordinary proletariat, it had the following features: especially long working time, bad working conditions,
摘要近代中国煤矿工人生长在半殖民地半封建社会,它除了具有一般无产阶级的共同特点之外,还具有劳动时间特别长、劳动条件恶劣、生活待遇相当差、社会地位低下、与广大农民有着天然的联系等特点。 |
The Chinese common law mainly existed in the rule of li(politeness), and it was characterized by its patriarchal and national essence.
摘要中国古代的习惯法主要存在于“礼”中,且具有宗族性和民族性的特点。 |
The Chinese company had the ship towed to Guangdong Province, where it planned to convert the ship into a floating museum.
中船公司已被拖往广东省并计划把它变成一个浮动船博物馆. |
The Chinese company would carry out the dredging and the actual creation of the island.
这家华人公司将进行疏浚以及实际造岛的工作。 |
The Chinese considered the Aloe Vera sacred and used it for stomach and colon ailments.
中国人视芦荟为神物,将其用来治疗胃病和结肠病。 |
The Chinese consumers need respect but not deception or fraud!
中国的消费者需要尊重,不需要忽悠!!! |
The Chinese contracts are crucial as they are expected to give the winning manufacturers the scale to survive in an anticipated shake-out of the industry which has too many players.
中国合约至关重要,因为这些合约将使胜出的制造商具备足够大的规模,使其在该行业预期的优胜劣汰中生存下来,该行业参与企业过多。 |
The Chinese could, if they wished, starve North Korea's people and switch off its lights.
中国人,如何他们愿意的话,可以随时让朝鲜人挨饿和切断他的电力供应。 |
The Chinese courses can make more and more foreign friends all over the world understand China better in a short timein order to achieve the aim of cross-communication.
中、外教优化协同,对外汉语课程能使众多各国朋友快速的了解中国,并达到交流的目的。 |
The Chinese court assumed an aloof and patronizing attitude toward these Westerners, keeping them confined(limited) to the southern port cities of Macao and later, Canton.
中国朝廷对这些西方人采取的是冷漠和施恩的态度,把他们限制在南部的港口城市:澳门以及和后来的广州。 |