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But China's leaders are anxious.

But China is taking a risk. 不过中国这么做也很冒险。
But China said earlier this month it had stamped out the disease, which may have originated from migratory birds. 但是中国在本月早些时候宣布已扑灭了这种源自于候鸟的疫病。
But China surpassed even this benchmark last year. 但去年中国甚至超过了这一基准。
But China wants to avoid an economic collapse in North Korea. 但中国想避免北朝鲜经济崩溃。
But China's state-owned enterprises seem less adroit at exploiting those assets. 但中国的国有企业似乎不那么善于利用这些资产。
But China's leaders are anxious. 但中国的领导人觉得焦虑。
But China's market clout is not matched by its governance prowess. 但是,中国对市场的影响,与其治理能力并不相符。
But China's modern face hides a heritage of conflict and Confucian style spirituality, the perfect breeding ground for martial arts. 但中国现代的表面下隐涵着好战的传统以及儒家的灵性,这是武术完美的滋生地。
But China's nominal growth rate and its return on capital are both in double digits, well above the bank lending rate (see right-hand chart). 但中国的名义增长率和资本收益率都是两位数,高出银行借贷利率好几个百分点(见下图)。
But China's space agency built several key systems on its own, and in some ways the Shenzhou is technologically superior to the Soyuz. 然而,中国国家航天局自行建造出许多关键系统,使得神舟号在某些技术层面优于联合号。
But China's space plans have faced increasing international scrutiny amid fears about a potential space arms race with the United States and other powers since it blew up one of its own weather satellites using a ground-base missile in January. 但是,自从在1月使用陆基导弹摧毁了她自己的气象卫星,中国的太空计划越来越面临国际审查,审查意指担心同美国和其他国家潜在的太空武器军备竞赛。

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