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Researchers in Spain found that among nearly 5,900 adults they followed over two years, those with the highest intake of low-fat dairy products were about half as likely to develop high blood pressure as those who consumed the fewest.

Researchers in Chicago, Illinois found that people who use their brains more often are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. 在伊利诺斯州芝加哥的研究者们发现勤用脑的人患上老年痴呆症的可能性要小一些。
Researchers in England and Kenya have found that older elephants help a herd to survive. 英国与肯亚的研究人员发现,老象对象群的生存有帮助。
Researchers in Japan are working to develop a television that would allow people to view lifelike 3D (three dimensional) images from any angle. 在日本的研究人员正在努力研发一种电视接收机,能让人从任何的角度观看得到逼真的3D图象(3维空间的立体画像)。
Researchers in Melbourne have found that these voracious marsupials can be scared off by the thumping sound of their own large feet on the ground. 墨尔本研究人员发现,贪婪的袋鼠可能会被自己的大脚踏在地上时发出的重击声吓跑。
Researchers in Norway who followed a population-based group of adults for 11 years found that those who smoked were more likely than non-smokers to become depressed, and the risk climbed in tandem with the number of cigarettes smokers puffed each day. 挪威的研究人员持续追踪1群成人11年,发现抽烟的人比不抽烟的更可能变得忧郁,而且风险会随着每天哈多少烟直线上升。
Researchers in Spain found that among nearly 5,900 adults they followed over two years, those with the highest intake of low-fat dairy products were about half as likely to develop high blood pressure as those who consumed the fewest. 西班牙研究人员追踪近5900名成年人逾两年后发现,摄取最多低脂乳品者出现高血压的人数,几乎是摄取量最少者的一半。
Researchers in southern South America have also made convincing cases that shallow marine conditions existed in inland Argentina during the Miocene. 南美洲南部的研究人员也提出了一些事实,让人相信在中新世时期,浅海的环境也存在于阿根廷内陆。
Researchers in the field never tire of pointing out that TB kills a lot of people. 这个领域的研究人员一直都在提醒人们有许多生命死于肺结核病。
Researchers in this area should seek funding through normal peer-reviewed channels (such as the NSF in the USA), in competition with all other research in earthquake science. 该领域中的研究者应当通过正常的审查渠道〔例如NSF—美国国家科学基金〕寻求经费。
Researchers in those countries then measured how well the stereotypes bore up to the average self-image within the same culture. 在研究对象国家的研究员接下来评估传统形态对同一文化下平均自我评价影响有多大。
Researchers inspecting the genetic code of rats, mice and humans were surprised to find they shared many identical chunks of apparently junkDNA. 研究人员检查了老鼠的基因代码,令人惊讶地发现老鼠与人类共享“垃圾”DNA明显的主干。

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