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It's essential to learn how to drive before you can get a driver's license.

It's entirely in their hands. 它完全地是在他们的手中。
It's equally good in quality. 它的质量一样出色。
It's erroneous to assume that the press always print the truth. 认为新闻报导总是发表真相,这是错误的。
It's especially cold when the wind is blowing. 风在吹袭的时候特别冷。
It's essential that you study hard. 你刻苦学习是必要的。
It's essential to learn how to drive before you can get a driver's license. 获取驾驶执照之前你必需先学会自己开车。
It's essential to win in Iraq. Democracy is the antidote to terrorism. Terrorists are trying to kill us. 重要的是在伊拉克获胜。民主是恐怖主义的解毒剂。恐怖分子正在试图消灭我们。
It's estimated velocity is... 它的估计速度是.....
It's even money whether the new horse comes first or last. 这匹新马跑得最快或最慢的可能性是相同的.
It's even possible that we will be the first generation in a long time to be more conservative than our parents. 在相当长的一段时间内,我们甚至可能是第一代比父母更保守的人。
It's evening. The lamps emit their dusky light that are parallel with the white dots on the highway. 夜幕刚刚降临。路灯发出微弱的光,刚好与公路上的白点相对应。

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