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Understand the concept of Depreciationand the assumptions used to calculate depreciation.

Understand that long-turn friendship wax and wane Long-term friendship are similar to marriage in that there will be both periods of excitement and dullness. 友情也会有盛衰长期的友情同婚姻一样,既有兴奋期,也有觉得乏味的时候。
Understand that the effulgence which emanates from the sun illuminating the entire universe and which is in the moon and in fire is from Me. 你要明白,照亮整个宇宙的太阳,其光芒源于“我”,月亮和火焰的光芒也源于“我”。
Understand that the path to Bodhisattva is only partially carved. 要了解的是,通向菩萨级别的道路只是被部分绘制出来了。
Understand that you may make mistakes, but don't let them discourage you. 要知道在这个过程中你也许会犯错误,但不要气馁。
Understand the building design &construction codes, compliance, legislative, and legal framework in Beijing, or Shanghai as it relates to managing significant retrofit / new installation mechanical &electrical projects. 了解与管理重大翻新和新安装的机械和电力工程相关的,北京或上海的建筑设计和构造编码,条例,立法机关和法律程序。
Understand the concept of Depreciationand the assumptions used to calculate depreciation. 理解“折旧”概念和用于计算折旧的假设。
Understand the differences between inbound and outbound personalities. 理解呼入服务与呼出服务对人员性格需要的不同。
Understand the differences between the direct and the indirect SCF. 了解直接法与间接法现金流量表的不同。
Understand the distinction between recognition and disclosure of information. 理解确认资讯与披露资讯之间的区别。
Understand the importance of job analysis in strategic and human resource management. 理解职位分析在战略管理以及人力资源管理中的重要性.
Understand the marketing potential of on/off valve which is in the field of electricity in China. 熟悉,了解电厂行业及市场情况,建立并维护客户关系。

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