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The snowdrops are just beginning to come up.

The snow will soon be deep enough to ski on. 雪将会很快就积到可以滑的深度了。
The snow-storm go with the thunder. 暴风雨夹着雷声。
The snowball hit him right on the nose. 雪球正好打在他鼻子上。
The snowbird sings a song he always sings, and speaks to me of flowers that will bloom again in spring. 雪鸟唱着她每天爱唱的歌,告诉我春天要来,花儿会再度绽放。
The snowcoach we were on had huge wheels. So huge that it is literally as high as a normal person. THis picture is worth thousand words. 我们搭的雪车有很大的轮子,大的刚好有一正常人高,此照片抵过上千字的叙述.
The snowdrops are just beginning to come up. 雪花莲刚刚开始长出地面。
The snowstorm added to our difficulties. 暴风雪增加了我们的困难。
The snowstorm delayed the delivery of the mail. 那场暴风雪延误了邮件的递送。
The snowstorm has caused chaos on the road. 暴风雪引起了道路上的混乱。
The snuff box, dusty portraits and cigar case on show at the museum would not be upstaged by the more racy Dickensworld, staff there thought. 虽然“狄更斯世界”生动活泼,但员工们认为它不会抢博物馆里展览的鼻烟壶,灰头土脸的肖像以及烟盒的风头。
The snuff-bottle is painted “The crane turning towards the Sun”. It is the symbol of “longevity”. It reflects the Chinese tradetional cultural unique charm. 手工绘制的《松鹤朝阳》内画球中,鹤为千年仙禽,常用于比喻人长寿,是民间喜用的吉祥语,作者以内画的形式展现了我国传统文化的独特魅力。

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