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There are 143 resettlement sites in the first and second phase of resettlement in Xiaolangdi project area of which there are 126 villages with serious soil and water loss.

There are 1267 species of seed plants belonging to 528 genera in 121 families, including gymnosperms (9 species, 6 genera and 4 families) and angiosperms (117 families, 522 genera and 1258 species) in Laojun Mountain Nature Reserve in Pingshan County, Sic 摘要通过野外调查和查阅资料,四川省屏山县老君山自然保护区有种子植物121科528属1267种,其中裸子植物4科6属9种;被了植物117科522属1258种。
There are 13 obligatory subjects for four-year study students of English Education. And teachers with position of lecturer and above teach each subject. 外语系《英语教育》本科专业共有专业必修课13门,每门课均由讲师以上的教师讲授。在13门必修课中,有11门由高职人员任主讲,占13门课程的84.6%。
There are 13 states in Malaysia. 马来西亚有十三个州.
There are 14 of them, and they have failed to nab a single poacher for more than a year. 他们有14人,并且他们花费了一年多的事件都无法逮捕到仅一个非法偷猎者。
There are 14 schools at Harvard. 在哈佛有十四所学校。
There are 143 resettlement sites in the first and second phase of resettlement in Xiaolangdi project area of which there are 126 villages with serious soil and water loss. 小浪底工程库区一期、二期移民,安置点共143个,有126个村水土流失严重。
There are 150 officers and workers in the enterprise, the factory building area is 2500 square meter. 企业现有职工150人,工厂建筑面积4500平方米,我公司具有较强的技术力量和生产能力。
There are 159 China rare and endangered species in Guangxi, belonging to 109 genus and 63 families all over Guangxi region. 摘要分布于广西的国家级珍稀濒危保护植物有159种,隶属于63科109属,分布在全区各地。
There are 18 boys and 18 girls. 一共有十八名男孩和十八名女孩。
There are 18 forms of fat in a crystalline structure, and each performs a different modality of lubrication necessary to the sustenance of the whole. 一个水晶结构中有18种脂肪形式,每一种都扮演维系整体所必要的、不同形态的润滑。
There are 18 subsidiary companies and agencies combined with technology research, construction and economic trade. Its registration capital is 69.68 million RMB with 638 intermediate and senior technical and management personnel. 集团公司下设十八家分公司和办事处,集科研、施工、咨询、经贸于一体,共有中高级技术人员及管理人员638名,拥有大型施工机械1368台,注册资金为6968万元。

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