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We're making water (ie Water is coming into the ship) fast.

We're looking for someone with an MBA, five years of sales and marking experience, and a low-carbon footprint. 我们寻找一个拥有工商管理硕士学位,并且要有五年市场营销经验的人,并且为人诚实,脚踏实地。
We're looking forward to seeing you. 我们盼着见到你。
We're looking forward to your analysis of the tennis promotion, but we're running short on time. 我们正等着听你做网球产品推销分析,但是时间可能不够。
We're losing ground because what we are doing is wrong, even though we work very hard and give our best effort. 因为我们所做的是错的,即使我们尽最大的努力,辛勤工作,我们也正在失去优势。
We're making this change for a number of reasons. 我们改动这个是有理由的。
We're making water (ie Water is coming into the ship) fast. 我们的船漏水漏得很厉害.
We're members of our clubs so we can work through them to help others. 众人聚集后,服务的工作得以进行得更好、更有效,也比独自一人服务时更加快乐。
We're moving out of our flat. 我们准备搬出公寓。
We're nearly always at church on Sundays. 我们星期日几乎都在教堂做礼拜.
We're no match for X Company. (我们竞争不过X公司。)
We're not allowed to barbecue outside the picnic area. 我们不能在野餐区外烤肉。

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