At first it was only horseplay but it soon got out of hand and developed into full-scale fight.
开始那只是喧闹的嬉戏,可是很快就失去了控制,发展成了全面的斗殴。 |
At first it was thought that it was through war and armed conflict,but it is now believed to have happened through trade and cultural links.
起先人们认为这些金属工具是在战争或武力冲突中产生的,但是现在确信是在贸易和文化交流中产生的。 |
At first it would be puzzling but almost inconsequential things such as lights being on that I was positive I turned off when I left that morning or objects mysteriously being moved across the room.
最开始,我常遇到一些莫名奇妙,不合常理的事情,比如说我明明记得那天早上我离开时关了灯,可回去时灯是亮着的,或者东西从屋子的一头被移到了另一边,很不可思议。 |
At first people seemed to understand and be thankful of all that I did for them, but in these times, no one seems to know the reason for the celebration.
一开始的时候,人们似乎非常明白和感谢我所为他们做的一切,但是,现在,慢慢地,人们似乎已经忘了这个节日的真正意义。 |
At first she received them from the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor in Egypt.
最初她从埃及的赫尔墨斯卢克索兄弟会收到来信。 |
At first she seemed overcome with amazement; then tears flowed from her wondering eyes; and then she smiled sunnily through them, and one of her arms slid tenderly about the broker's neck.
起初,她好像惊愕万分;继而,泪水又涌出她迷惘的眼睛;其后,泪眼又发出欢笑的光芒;最后,她又柔情地搂住经纪人的脖子。 |
At first she threatened to dismiss us all, but later she relented.
起初她威胁要解雇我们所有的人,但是后来她态度软化了。 |
At first sight it looks like a regular cell phone — same size, same shape, same overall appearance.
蜂窝电话;这种手枪在外观上和普通的手机一模一样,相同的大小,相同的形状。 |
At first sight the problem seems easy.
乍看起来,这个问题似乎很容易。 |
At first sight their demands seemed reasonable.
乍看之下,他们的要求似乎满合理的。 |
At first sight this means that things are about to get even cushier for native English speakers; they needn't lift a finger to learn other people's subjunctives.
乍一看,这似乎意味着以英语为母语的人日子更好过了,因为他们不再需要费力去学习别人的语言。 |