A clean, well-lighted cafe was a very different thing.
一个干净明亮的餐馆又是另一回事。 |
A clean-cut head helps present a sharp, orderly and professional image.
一个轮廓鲜明的脑袋有助于塑造出一个精明、有条理而且专业的形象。 |
A clear and exalted perception enabled her to dismiss the suggestion as trivial.
一种清清楚楚的、兴奋的感觉让她根本无暇去顾及那些个琐事。 |
A clear coat-safe paint cleaner removes stubborn, bonded contaminants, stains, blemishes and oxidation.
清洁漆面可以去除坚固的、凝结在一起的污染物、污迹、污渍和氧化物。 |
A clear conscience is a soft pillow.
问心无愧,高枕无忧。 |
A clear conscience is a sure card.
光明磊落,胜券在握。 |
A clear conscience is like a coat of mail.
平生不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。 |
A clear conscience laughs at false accusation.
只要问心无愧,无端的指责可以一笑置之。 |
A clear division of labor in activities, we have posted.
活动分工明确,大家都各就各位。 |
A clear glass or plastic protective cover for the face of a watch or clock.
水晶面一个覆盖在钟表表面的、起保护作用的透明玻璃或塑料片 |
A clear mind: Be assertive, but mindful of others.
条理的情绪:果断点,但注意留意别人. |