The tallest free-standing structure in the Southern Hemisphere, Sky Tower in downtown Auckland, New Zealand, opens after two-and-a-half years of construction.
1997年的今天,南半球最高的自支撑式建筑,修建于纽西兰奥克兰市区中心的“天空塔”,在2年半的施工后对外开放。 |
The tallest is the grand-grandfather.
最高的是曾祖父。 |
The tallest teammate held a paper roll made by his teammates.
参加者每人卷一张报纸,连接在一起,再由队中最高的组员拿著。 |
The tally of computation and observation is in a good agreement.
将计算值与实测资料比较,结果表明符合程度良好。 |
The tall, well-dressed gentleman standing before me was certainly a far cry from the old sea wolf of my imagination.
站在我面前的是一位身材高大,衣着讲究的先生,与我先前想像的老海怪完全不同。 |
The tame bird was in a cage, the free bird was in the forest.
驯养的鸟在笼里,自由的鸟在林中。 |
The tame tigers play the same game on the frame.
温顺的老虎在框架上玩同一游戏. |
The tan to white areas of myocardial scarring seen from the endocardial surface here represent a remote healed myocardial infarction.
棕褐色到白色的心脏内膜面的心肌显示了陈旧性的心肌梗死。 |
The tan() function returns a number that represents the tangent of an angle.
函数的作用是:返回一个数字所对应的正切值。 |
The tangle between his theoretical standpoint and methodology, in a sense, comes from the tensional relation between his two identies both as a professional scholar and a cultural critic or thinker.
从某种意义上锐,汪晖理论立场和方法论之间的纠葛,源于作为专业研究者的汪晖和作为文化批评者乃至思想者的汪晖两种身份之间的紧张关系。 |
The tangles are made of a different rogue protein, and form inside nerve cells.
而陶蛋白缠结则是在细胞内由另一种变态的蛋白质形成的。 |