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There has been much debate about the issue.

There has been bad blood between Tom and Helen. 在汤姆和海伦之间有芥蒂。
There has been bad blood between those two families for several generations. 这两个家族已经彼此敌对了好几个世代。
There has been disastrous flooding in Asia, Africa, America and Oceania. 亚洲、非洲、美洲和大洋洲都发生过巨大的洪涝灾害。
There has been further progress in the use of combine harvesters, and achievements in the promotion of mechanization technology. 联合收割机作业进一步发展,农业机械化技术的推广工作卓有成效。
There has been marked progress in building the social security system. 社会保障体系建设成效明显。
There has been much debate about the issue. 关于这议题有许多的口舌之争。
There has been much dispute over the question of legalized abortion. 堕胎合法化问题引起了许多争论.
There has been much gossip in political circles. 政界里有许多流言蜚语。
There has been much propaganda against smoking recently. 最近有很多反吸烟的宣传。
There has been much speculation about the Sevilla wing back in the media, and Mourinho yesterday announced that we were looking into signing the Brazilian. 媒体有很多关于塞维利亚边后卫的传闻,穆里尼奥昨天宣布将期待签下这名巴西人。
There has been much talk of a deal between the two. 为了达成交易,这两方面之间已经进行了多次对话。

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