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Ongoing social structures include the means for their own reproduction—in the regularized repetition of social processes, in the perpetuation of conditions which require members' participation, in the genesis of legitimating ideologies and institutions, a

One–on–one Market Analysis service. 一对一的贴身市场调研服务。
Ongoing economic problems would likely spur increasingly strident calls by Hong Kong's democracy advocates for a directly elected Chief Executive. 经济问题持续,可能会刺激香港的民主派更强烈地要求普选特首。
Ongoing economic problems would likely ur increasingly strident calls by Hong Kong's democracy advocates for a directly elected Chief Executive. 经济问题持续,可能会刺激香港的民主派更强烈地要求普选特首。
Ongoing education reconnects members with the purpose and projects of their club, and of Rotary International. 持续进行的教育会将社员与其扶轮社以及国际扶轮的宗旨和计划连结在一起。
Ongoing maintenance and servicing plan. 持续的维护和服务计划。
Ongoing social structures include the means for their own reproduction—in the regularized repetition of social processes, in the perpetuation of conditions which require members' participation, in the genesis of legitimating ideologies and institutions, a 现行的社会结构包含自我生产的方法——有规律地重复社会过程,形成成员参与的永恒条件,追溯正统的意识形态和社会制度的起源,还有通过再生产人们的心理和生理来履行必要的角色。
Ongoing work and final project will be posted online. 持续的工作进度和最后的计画将公布在网路上。
Ongoing –Special issue of IIA e-zine, with sections of Agenda, Presentation, On-site interview, Sidelights, etc. The event will be fully covered with excellence in pictures and literary description. 会中全程活动报道,制作活动特刊,根据活动特点设“日程安排”、“技术报告”、“现场采访”、“活动花絮”等栏目,全方位地动态展示活动盛况。
Onion does not agree with me. 洋葱不适合我的胃口。
Onions and lilies grow from bulbs. 洋葱和百合是从球茎中长出的。
Onions make your eyes water . 洋葱能刺激眼睛流泪.

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