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Cartoon Characters are very popular among children.

Cartographer is a simple,efficient object relational mapper engine. It provides rapid access to relational data using lightweight data and factory java objects. 这是个简单、有效的对象-关系映射工具。它使用轻量级数据和工厂对象实现对关系数据的快速访问。
Carton paper should not put in any working environment with volatile chemical used, such as prints or gas...it will easily cause self-burnt on the carton paper later on. 纸箱纸不应该和易挥发的化学品堆放在同一工作环境中,例如油漆或气体……这类化学品在包装纸旁很容易引起自燃.
Carton, we also can pack according to your requests. 纸箱。但是也可以按照你们的要求包装。
Carton:Made of light but strong cardboard,or fiberboard with double lids and bottoms,fixed by glue,adhesive tapes,metal bands or wire staples. 纸箱:一般由坚固轻便的硬纸板做成。上下有盖,用脱水固定,胶带封住,用铁皮或起码钉打包。
Cartons are seaworthy. 纸箱适合海运。
Cartoon Characters are very popular among children. 卡通人物是孩子们的最爱。
Cartoon art is a kind of world culture. 动画艺术是一种世界性的文化。
Cartoon characters are always full of life and vigor at any time. 卡通人物总是充满着生机和活力。
Cartoon movies have their special mechanism of artistic genesis. 摘要动画影片具有独特的艺术生成机制。
Cartoon play writing is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn's horn , nobody shows any interest in, a group of desolate business. 而动画片剧本创作却是凤毛麟角,无人问津,一派冷冷清清的市面。
Cartoonist Tony Auth reverses Superman's routine to make a tongue-in-cheek comment on California's new governor, 56-year-old muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger. 漫画家托尼·奥特把超人的这一惯常做法倒了过来,用以取笑加州新州长———56岁的肌肉发达的阿诺德·施瓦辛格。

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