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Are you leaving?asked Slughorn at once, looking hopeful.

Are you going to the party?I'm a bit iffy about it at the moment. 你打算去参加那聚会吗?我目前有点不确定。
Are you going with us?-- Surely. 你和我们一起去吗?--当然啦!
Are you in the pilot seat? 你在飞行员的座位上吗?
Are you kidding? Who are you? “你是在开玩笑吧?你到底是谁?”
Are you kidding?the young emperor laughed. You're calling a stag a horse! “你是在开玩笑吧?”年幼的皇帝笑道,“你把鹿说成了马!”
Are you leaving?asked Slughorn at once, looking hopeful. “你要走了吗?”斯拉格霍恩立刻满脸期待地问。
Are you looking at the blackboard.Yes,I am. “你在看黑板了吗?”“是的,我在看。”
Are you looking for a jacket?is a closed question, and of course, it's designed to ferret out a yes or no. 您在找夹克?是一个闭合的问题,当然,它被设计成想得到是或否的结果。
Are you not as the sons of Ethiopia to Me, O sons of Israel? 摩9:7耶和华说、以色列人哪、我岂不看你们如古实人麽。
Are you now the head chef?the girl joked. “你是不是当伙头军啦?“女孩笑道。
Are you ready to order your dinner now?a waitress comes to ask. 一位女服务生过来问到:你们现在可以点菜了吗?

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