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Since she hadn't expected to miss the flight, she was forced to use up most of her supplies and whatever money she had to feed them.

Since selling $240 billion-worth of stock will take years, this could drive promising Chinese companies to list overseas. 由于卖出2400亿美元市值的股票是需要时日的,这能够推动有前途的中国公司海外上市。
Since selling low sugar food can make a big fortune, the competition in the sector is extremely furious. 经营低糖食品可以大敛其财,于是竞争蜂拥而至。
Since setting up , is always devoted to promoting communal infrastructure industrial marketization process, operation management and the investment with main business of infrastructure, develop direction location in Chinese water affir market, concentrate 自成立以来一直致力于推动公用基础设施产业市场化进程,主营业务为基础设施的投资及运营管理,发展方向定位于中国水务市场,专注于城市供水和污水处理两大领域,已成长为国内领先的、具有核心竞争力的水务投资及运营管理公司,并努力发展成为有世界影响力的民族水务领先企业。
Since several advantages (for example: direct cutting of high hardness die materials is possible, decrease cutting time, simplize die manufacturing process, ...etc) can be achieved easily, High Speed Milling is very suitable for die manufacturing. 高速铣削加工具有高加工效率,可直接加工高硬度模具材料,可缩短加工时间、简化模具加工流程等优点,相当适合模具制作。
Since shares represent ownership of a company's dividend,profit, revenue, as-set and cash flow, the ways to value shares will be based on these five catego-ries of figures. 既然股票代表了公司的股息、盈利、营业额、资产及现金流量的拥有权,评定股票价值的方法就从上述五方面着手。
Since she hadn't expected to miss the flight, she was forced to use up most of her supplies and whatever money she had to feed them. 她本以为不会错过那次航班的,无奈他们又用完了所有的东西,所以她才把钱花完买了吃的东西来养活他们。
Since she has urged him to marry(and her word is his command), he proposes to Elizabeth in a ludicrously pompous manner. 由于她催促他结婚(她的话对他来说即是命令),他便向伊丽莎白求婚,举止浮夸,滑稽可笑。
Since she is seriously ill, we have to send for a doctor at once. 既然她病得厉害, 我们要马上去请医生。
Since she is seriously ill, we have to send for a doctor at once. 既然她病得厉害,我们要马上去请医生。
Since she is young, she is lacking in experience. 由于年轻,她缺乏经验。
Since she joined the team last season she has made her presence felt. 自从上个赛季加入这个队以来,她就使人感到她是个举足轻重的队员。

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