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Here you'll learn what it feels like to drive a car “at the limits” and have an opportunity to practice accident avoidance maneuvers and skid recovery in a safe, controlled environment.

Here you have plenty of time at your own disposal. 你有很多空余时间,可以自己去支配。
Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, And you are even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision. 在这里,你可以挑选最符合自己口味的品种,当然,也可以在决定之前试尝几口。
Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, and you arc even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision. 在这里你可以挑选最合你口味的布丁,甚至商店还允许你先把各色布丁品尝一番,然后再作出决定。
Here you sit today, each of you a tremendous energy vessel brimming, overflowing with experience in this consciousness of opposites. 今天,在这里,你们每一个都乘坐着一艘巨大的能量之船,满溢着在这对立的意识界里的经验。
Here you will control the organization of forums and categories. 在这里你可以控制版面和分区的排列。
Here you'll learn what it feels like to drive a car “at the limits” and have an opportunity to practice accident avoidance maneuvers and skid recovery in a safe, controlled environment. 在那里,你能知道什么是驾车的极限体验,并且有机会在安全的受控环境里面进行避免事故的紧急操控练习和侧滑时候的自救操作。
Here're the coming of empty cartridge and the estimated arrival schedule to factory. HK will try the best to arrange and delivery on time. 这是给工厂的时间安排表,关于弹药筒什么时候运来和弹药筒预计到达工厂的时间。
Here's Johnny! 约翰尼在这里!
Here's Mr. Land come all the way from Yorkshire. 这是从约克县远道而来的蓝先生。
Here's Romeo's man; we found him in the churchyard. 这是罗密欧的仆人;我们看见他躲在墓地里。
Here's Uncle Albert,’Jackie said.‘Always late. “是艾伯特姨父,”杰基说。“他总是迟到。”

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