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Good psychological quality can go out on business and take strong work pressure.

Good programmers know what to write. Great ones know what to rewrite (and reuse). 优秀的程式师知道要写程式,伟大的程式师知道要改写(和重覆利用)程式.
Good programs (and programmers) anticipate them and arrange to handle them gracefully. 好程式与好程式设计师预料到错误的存在,并安排程式来优雅地处理它们。
Good project management and communication skill. Engineering project management experience will be a plus. 良好的项目管理及交流。有工程项目管理经验更佳。
Good prose is like a window pane. 好文章是一块透亮的窗玻璃。
Good pseudoplasticity facilitates injection and controlling. 良好假塑性使产品注入更方便和易控制。
Good psychological quality can go out on business and take strong work pressure. 心理素质好,能适应出差,能够承受较强工作压力。
Good quality and attractive price make our products one of consumers' first choices. 公司产品迅速以优异的品质、优惠的价格成为广大用户的首选产品之一。
Good quality jeans are available on the black market in Russia. 质量好的牛仔裤在俄罗斯黑市能买到。
Good quality jeans are only available on the black market in this city. 在这个城市,上乘的牛仔裤只有在黑市上才能买到。
Good question. Tell me how you would like me to appraise you? 好问题。告诉我你希望我怎麽评估你呢?
Good question─no one can agree. 这问题问得好,只是每人答案都不一致。

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