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Basically, yes. It's a very common belief in Chinese medicine that bruising proves that you had some kind of pathogen there.

Barely were we able to keep up with garbage collection during the watermelon season,the sanitation workers complained. 环卫工人抱怨说:在西瓜旺季,我们几乎不能清运完垃圾.
Baseball is a funny game,general manager Brian Cashman said. There's a lot of twists and turns. That's why you've got to show up every day. 现金男说:棒球是很好玩的比赛。球赛中有许多的曲曲折折与转机。那也是我们需要每天上场打球的原因。
Baseball typically does three games,Cashman said. He has the appeals process, and it seems steep. He'll go through it with his representatives and have their day in court. 现金男说:棒球通常禁赛三场。他能够走裁决程序,且四场似乎太严格了。他将会与他的代表们处理这事情并且上法庭去。
Based on our study findings, it would be premature to make recommendations to pregnant women about night work.” Dr Lisa Pompeii, who led the research said. 主导研究的丽莎.庞培博士说:「根据我们的研究成果,要对孕妇夜间工作提出任何建议还言之过早。」
Basically speaking, as far as the role India currently plays in Asia is concerned, her motives and capabilities are not sufficient motivation for the United States to improve US-Indian relations, Limaye concluded. “基本上讲,以印度目前在亚洲扮演的角色而言,她的动机和能力都不足以让美国提升美印的关系,”勒美最后总结说。
Basically, yes. It's a very common belief in Chinese medicine that bruising proves that you had some kind of pathogen there. “总的来说,是这样的。中医普遍认为,瘀肿说明那里出现了病变。”
Basket carriersare a typical manifestation of rural surplus labor in Guizhou. 摘要“背篼”是贵州农村剩馀劳动力的典型表现。
Basketball fans around the world are extraordinarily fortunate that he graced our game with his talents during 13 NBA seasons. 「全世界的篮球迷十分幸运,因为迈克在它的13个赛季中用他的技巧带给了我们优雅。」
Bathroom Singer,a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel, will zero in on an untrained performer who's good at singing in the shower and can enthral viewers. 印度电影娱乐频道新推出的“厕所歌手”歌唱比赛将把目光瞄准那些未经过训练的、在洗手间唱歌很好听并能征服观众的人。
Bathtub, living room floor? No wonder it didn't work for Harry and me.Mrs. Smith said to herself. “浴缸?客厅地板?怪不得我和哈里(她丈夫的名字)搞不出什么名堂来。”史密斯太太心里自言自语。
Be a journalist. I can't get away from you guys, then I just mingle with you guys. “做记者吧,我摆脱不了你们这些家伙,那就干脆与你们为伍算了。”

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