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In the end, the authors concluded that because of urbanization, annual rainfall, flood season rainfall and maximum daily precipitation have all increased, especially the maximum daily precipitation; distribution of annual rainfall and the frequency of all

In the end, that was his undoing. 最后,他的末日来临了。
In the end, thats what convinced author Hong to sell the rights to the book. 最后,就是这份诚意打动了作者洪汛涛,把这本书的版权卖给了他。
In the end, the Kuomintang fell to pieces and a bitter struggle of cliques prevailed at the summit of power. 国民党最后终于四分五裂,最高领导集团内部爆发了剧烈的派系斗争,这是促使共产党取得胜利的一个因素,虽然只是一个消极被动的因素。
In the end, the Monte Carlo method is used in pricing weather option. 蒙特卡罗方法能够对天气衍生产品进行合理定价。
In the end, the Round of 16 was again a hurdle too high, but only just. A tie against Juventus finished 4-4 with the Italians winning on away goals. 最后,1/8决赛又一次阻挡了他们,但他们的劣势很微弱。和尤文图斯两回合踢成4比4,仅仅因为客场进球多,意大利球队才得以晋级。
In the end, the authors concluded that because of urbanization, annual rainfall, flood season rainfall and maximum daily precipitation have all increased, especially the maximum daily precipitation; distribution of annual rainfall and the frequency of all 通过研究发现:城市化对年雨量、汛期雨量和最大日雨量都有不同程度的增加作用,其中对最大日雨量的影响最显著;受城市化影响,降雨年内分配有集中的趋势;城市化使不同类型降雨发生次数均增加,其中对暴雨发生次数的影响最大。
In the end, the authors point out the development direction of real-time reference service and some existing problems. 作者还指出了实时咨询服务发展的方向以及存在的问题与不足。
In the end, the city wall in front of us will be broken down. 到最后,阻碍我们的城墙将不攻自破。
In the end, the commission determined that Hayes was elected president by a margin of one electoral vote. 最后,委员会决议海斯以一张选举人票之差,赢得了总统大选。
In the end, the decision-making order of scrolling development of cascade hydropower stations is obtained under different power demands by comprehensive analysis. 然后运用多种方法进行分析,运用电力电量平衡方法论证开发方案的适应性,通过综合分析得到了不同电力需求下的梯级水电滚动开发决策顺序或者可接受的编序。
In the end, the design formula of stiffener is put forward which can supply reference to engineering. 最后提出了加劲肋设计公式,供工程参考。

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