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To give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use.

To get to Liu's headquarters near Hantan, three hundred miles away across the plain from Peiping, I would have to go at least two-thirds of the way by cart, around a few Kuomintang-held cities and by myself, without an interpreter. 刘伯承的总部设在邯郸附近,从北平前往那里要穿过平原走三百英里路程,其中至少三分之二的路程须乘大车,绕过国民党占据的几个城市,而且是我自己一个人,没有译员同行。
To get to the bottom of the questions, we still want to ask, 'transport what to where? 追根究底,我们还是要问「交通建设究竟是在建设什麽?」
To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the Saite Hotel. 为了赶去上班,他要乘坐去赛特宾馆的17路公共汽车。
To get unstuck he is drawn to solving little problems, like reading the news, watching TV, driving his car, doing physical exercise, watching a football game, playing basketball, and so forth. 为了能暂时脱离洞穴,他会暂时将自己拉出来解决小问题,如看报、看电视、开车、做体操、看足球赛、玩篮球等等。
To get up early is impossible to him. 早起对他来说是不可能的。
To give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use. 给一个词下定义要比举例说明它的用法困难。
To give a good lesson and be accepted by students, we should not only make full preparations before class, but also do well in class. 上好一堂课,得到学生们的认可,不但要有课前的充分准备,更重要的是课堂上的发挥。
To give a introduction about the achievements of National Center of Laser Technology,Beijing Polytchnic University(NCLT) on the research referred to laser technology till now and some of them such as laser cladding,laser welding,laser cutting and the appl 本文提出了一种保持变容二极管调频电路在高、低温环境下载频稳定的温度补偿方法,介绍了补偿方法的基本原理,给出了电路模型,通过实验对实际电路进行了分析与标定.该方法简洁实用,有很广的应用范围.
To give advise and appraisal to his/her staffs. 给予属下的工作表现作出评估并提出建议。
To give an accurate and exhaustive account of that period would need a far less brilliant pen than mine. 要给予那年代一个准确和充分的描述,只需一支远比我还逊的笔.
To give an understanding of the types of micro-organisms associated with food; their significance and control in food spoilage, food poisoning and food manufacturing operations. 了解各种食物的微机体,以及他们对食物的败坏、毒化、以及制造活动的重要性与控制。

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