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Meyrick, A. S. Selections from Woman in All Lands. (Primary document.) Copyright unknown. 1880.

Mexico, for example, allows no foreign company profit-sharing contracts and many other nations place heavy taxes on the international operations in their territory. 例如,墨西哥不允许外国公司获得利润分享合同,而其他许多国家则对在其境内经营的国际公司征收重税。
Mexico, for example, launched 83 antidumping investigations in 1993, more than any other country. 比如墨西哥,在1993年发起了83件反倾销调查,这一数目大大超过了其他任何国家。
Mexico, with coach Hugo Sanchez celebrating his 49th birthday, made a fight of it and twice hit the woodwork in an enthralling game. 墨西哥的主教练哈哥桑切斯这天正好庆祝他49岁的生日,却事与愿违,墨西哥队在比赛中两次击中了门柱。
Meyer, Stephen. The Five Dollar Day. State University of New York Press, 1981. 《一天五美元》。纽约州立大学出版社,1981。
Meyers had been feeling quite run-down for weeks before his liver ailment was diagnosed. 在未被诊断为肝病之前,迈耶斯先生几周以来就一直有疲惫的感觉。
Meyrick, A. S. Selections from Woman in All Lands. (Primary document.) Copyright unknown. 1880. 《所有国家的女人》选读(主要章节)版权不明.1880.
Mezzanine Financing based on cash flow and future outlook of the company (warrants usually required). 4. 3.以现金流转和前景为基础的夹层资金。
Mezzanine capital for growth in a range of industries including busines and information services, technology, software and telecom. 夹层发展基金投资的行业包括:商业和信息服务、技术、软件和电信。
Mezzanine capital for leveraged Acquisition and Recapitalization including manufacuring, consumer products and services, business services. 调节收购和重组的夹层资本投资的行业包括:制造业、消费品和服务、商业服务。
Mgt 261. Data Communications. Data transmission. Transmission media. Data encoding. The data communication interface. Data link control. Multiplexing. 数据通信数据传输。传送介质。数据加密。数据通信接口。数据联结控制。多路技术。
Mgt 285. Economics. An overview of micro-economic and macro-economic principles, including: law of scarcity, competition, division of labor, fiscal policy, government intervention, and international trade. 经济学.本课程是微观经济学和宏观经济学原理的概论,包括稀缺定律、竞争、劳动力分布、财政政策、政府干预和国际贸易。

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