The larvae of Sepedon and their allies are well known to kill the snail Lymnaea, which is an intermediate host of the duck schistomiasis,and the cercaria of the latter also causes paddyfield dermatitis in man.
长角沼蝇属幼虫可捕食鸭血吸虫(毛毕吸虫属)的中间宿主椎实螺,鸭血吸虫的尾蚴也可导致人的稻田皮炎; |
The larval external morphologies of Eupithecia abietaria debrunneata Stau dinger, Eupithecia spadix Inoue and Telenomeuta punctimarginaria (Leech) of Larentiinae are described.
本文详细地记述了波尺蛾亚科 Eupithecia abietaria debrunneata Staudinger,E. spadixInoue及 Telenomeuta punctimarginaria( Leech)幼虫的形态特征。 |
The last one answers anopen problem posted by Szasz in his book“Radicals of Rings”.
最后一个充婴条件是对Szasz(Radicals of Rings)的公开问题的一个解答。 |
The last, the system also influence the narrative clew, which made Yuan-zaju basically lonely narration, and can't form crewel or more line narration.
第四,一角独唱体制还影响着作品的叙事线索,使得元杂剧基本都是单线叙事,而不能形成双线或多线叙事。 |
The lateral buds could be inducted in the MS media added .0 mg/L-BA,0. mg/L NAA and 0 mg/L Vc,with sterilized and knurled stem sections of Nepenthes Alata.
猪笼草具节茎段经消毒处理后接种到M S+-BA .0 m g/L+NAA 0. m g/L+V c0 m g/L的培养基中,诱导出侧芽; |
The laxity of the medial collateral ligament reconstruction (7.0°±.° )was as much as that of the intact ligament (P=0.9) and the reconstruction restored 89.% of the stability of the intact medial collateral ligament.
单纯重建MCL,平均外翻松弛度7.0°±.°,与单纯桡骨头切除(完整MCL)没有统计学意义的差别(P=0.9),MCL的重建恢复了自身MCL的89.%; |
The laxity of the radial head replacement together with medial collateral ligament reconstruction became less (. °±0.°)and it restored an average of 8.% of the stability of the intact elbow.
桡骨头假体置换同时重建MCL,平均外翻松弛度. °±0.°,恢复完整肘关节的8.%。 |
The leading causes of injuries were falls ( .80 %), knife-cutting or by sharp articles ( .8 %),traffic accident ( .07 %), collision ( .99 %), scalds ( . %) and animal bites ( .0 %).
以跌伤 坠落、刀割 锐器伤、交通伤、碰撞 硬物击伤、烧烫伤和动物咬伤发生率较高 ,分别为 .80 %、 .8 %、 .0 7%、.99%、. %和 .0 %。 |
The leading causes of injuries were falls (0.%), knife cutting ( .7%), collision ( .9%), biting by animals (. 0%) and scalds (.9%).
伤害前 位分别是跌伤 ( 0 . % )、刀割伤 ( .7% )、碰撞伤 ( . 9% )、动物咬伤 ( . 0 % )和烫伤 ( . 7% )。 |
The leading causes were falling(.9%),bumping((7.0%),) knife-cutting(.%),animal biting(.9%) and hitting by hard objects(. 9%).
前位伤害类型依次为跌伤(.9%)、碰伤(7.0%)、刀割伤(.%)、动物咬伤(.9%)和硬物击伤(. 9%)。 |
The leading character-Galileo in the drama of "Galileo's Biography" is called "heroic coward".
其戏剧《伽利略传》中的主人公伽利略被称为“英雄的懦夫”,他的沉沦与堕落既有其自身的复杂原因又有外部的社会因素。 |