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He's done this before,Torre said. That's where the experience helps. You agonize over it and then you dismiss it.

He's been at Real Madrid and he's been at Chelsea, two of the top clubs in Europe, and that tells you he must be a quality player. “他到过皇家马德里和切尔西,两家欧洲最优秀的俱乐部。这已经告诉你他是出色的球员。”
He's been given his footage and photographs so he's got proof and evidence that he's done it,Pilkington said. 皮尔金顿说:“他拿到了录像带和照片,所以他有证据证明他做到了。”
He's been left a house?said Uncle Vernon greedily, his small eyes narrowing, but nobody answered him. “他的教父留下了一幢房子?”弗农姨夫贪婪地问道,一双小眼睛眯了起来,但没有人理会他。
He's built like a linebacker,said Dr. David Kalla, who delivered the baby by Caesarean section. 大卫·卡拉医生给米歇尔做了剖腹产手术,她说:“这个孩子壮得像个后卫球员。”
He's done that his whole career,Saunders said. Some guys want to sit down; some guys stand and walk around. “他(从职业生涯开始到现在)一直是这个样子,”桑德斯说,“有的人喜欢坐着,有的人喜欢站着走来走去,他(拉希德)喜欢走到场边,坐在技术台那思考。”
He's done this before,Torre said. That's where the experience helps. You agonize over it and then you dismiss it. 「他早尝过这滋味了。」托瑞表示:「这种时候经验就很有帮助,你会烦恼一阵子然后把它抛诸脑后。」
He's drunk now,he said. 他这会儿喝醉了,他说。
He's exciting and wants to get at people. “他表现的很兴奋,展示欲强烈。
He's full of remorse for his actions. Emotions overtook logic. 他对自己的行为深感懊悔.当时情感战胜了理智.
He's going into the mix ready to go,Cashman said. 现金男说:他必须各个方面都准备好才行。
He's going to be giving me private lessons this year,said Harry conversationally. “他今年要给我单独上课呢。”哈利引出了话题。

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