And both Thailand and Cambodia, long among the activists' favourite examples of how to get things right (don't be squeamish about handing out condoms, particularly to prostitutes, is an important part of the message), continue to do well. |
中文意思: 泰国、柬埔寨长期有积极人士通过喜闻乐见的例子告知怎样能使情况好转(分发避孕套不必那么拘谨,尤其是给妓女,这是布道中很重要的一部分),情况继续朝好的方向发展着。 |
And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.
23凡不因我跌倒的,就有福了。 |
And blogging, like many other forms of internet life, can be harmfully addictive: if you are posting six times before lunch, it may be time for a day job.
而写博客日志的行动,就像许多其它形式的互联网生活一样,可能会让人产生有害的瘾头:如果你闲得没事儿,在午饭前就贴六次帖子,那你可能该找份工作了。 |
And blogs, accessible only to other spies, are proliferating behind the security fences.
而只有其他间谍能够进入的部落格,将在安全围篱的后方繁衍扩散。 |
And bond yields might move lower across Asia.
而在亚洲境内公债利息可能浮动更低。 |
And bore her away from me,
把她从我的身边带走, |
And both Thailand and Cambodia, long among the activists' favourite examples of how to get things right (don't be squeamish about handing out condoms, particularly to prostitutes, is an important part of the message), continue to do well.
泰国、柬埔寨长期有积极人士通过喜闻乐见的例子告知怎样能使情况好转(分发避孕套不必那么拘谨,尤其是给妓女,这是布道中很重要的一部分),情况继续朝好的方向发展着。 |
And both figures are well below the internationally recognized safety level.
这两个数字都在公认的国际警戒线以内,还差得远呢。 |
And both heroines in the dramas try to cast off the yoke of feudal ethics and change their roles as playthings in order to gain freedom of marriage and their human liberation.
两部作品的女主人公在各自追求婚姻自由和人性解放的过程中极力想摆脱封建礼教和男人的玩偶地位。 |
And both spend a lot of money on outdoor gear and apparel.
这两种消费者在户外装备和服装上都花了大把的钱。 |
And both the singers and the porters kept the ward of their God, and the ward of the purification, according to the commandment of David, and of Solomon his son.
45祭司利未人遵守神所吩咐的,并守洁净的礼。歌唱的,守门的,照着大卫和他儿子所罗门的命令也如此行。 |
And both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the service he sprinkled in like manner with the blood.
21他又照样把血洒在帐幕和一切敬拜用的器皿上。 |