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Sugary foods, such as cornflakes with two spoonfuls of sugar, accompanied by a waffle and maple syrup, had a high GL and led to a slump in performance by late morning.

Sugarcane grows mainly in highrainfall, or irrigated areas, on coastal plains and river catchments along 2100 km of coastline from Far North Queensland to northern New South Wales. 甘蔗种植主要分布于有充足雨量和有灌溉条件的地区、海岸边平原以及自昆士兰州北端至新南威尔士州北端2100公里海岸线旁的河道盆地。
Sugarcane still grows here—and pecan trees, the grafting pioneered by a slave gardener. 甘蔗依旧在此生长,还有嫁接的美国山核桃——嫁接技术的先驱是一名奴隶园丁。
Sugarle yoghurt could help beat bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease, say scientists. 科学家们发现,无糖酸奶有助于减轻口腔异味、蛀牙和牙龈疾病。
Sugarless yoghurt could help beat bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease, say scientists. 科学家们发现,无糖酸奶有助于减轻口腔异味、蛀牙和牙龈疾病。
Sugary foods, such as cornflakes with two spoonful s of sugar, accompanied by a waffle and maple syrup, had a high GL and led to a slump in performance by late morning. 比如脆玉米片加上两勺糖,配合华夫饼干和糖枫汁等糖类食品含有高血糖负荷量,会导致一上午的表现处于消沉状态。
Sugary foods, such as cornflakes with two spoonfuls of sugar, accompanied by a waffle and maple syrup, had a high GL and led to a slump in performance by late morning. 含糖类食物,如含两匙糖的烘饼,以及一蛋奶烘饼和枫糖浆都具有很高的血糖负荷,会至使晨晚业绩降低。
Sugden, a geologist at the University of Edinburgh, was trying to date an ancient volcanic eruption in East Antarctica when he and his colleague uncovered the old ice. 爱丁堡大学地质学家苏格丹,与他的同事们在南极东部揭开古冰层时,就试图去测定南极东部某次古代火山喷发的年代。
Sugden, a geologist at the University of Edingburgh, was trying to date an ancient volcanic eruption in East Antarctica when he and his colleague uncovered the old ice. 爱丁堡大学的地质学家萨格登正努力测定南极东部的一个古火山爆发的时间,当时他和他的同事发掘到了古老的冰层。
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Suggest a break at a timely moment. 建议你在合适的时候放松一下。
Suggest and implement every item of modification and renewal, reduce stop hour of every mechanical equipment, increase efficiency and safety of every plant. 建议和实施各项修改和更新,降低机械设备的停机时间,增加装置的效率和安全性。

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