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The dense mass of whitish spines also helps to reflect incoming radiation, further reducing transpiration.

The dengue fever out break-one of the worst in the country's recenthistory has sickened more than 17,700 people in all 32 provinces, the ministry said. 印尼有关部门称,该国爆发了近年来极为严重的登革热疫情,全国32个省份已有超过17700人患病。
The dengue viruses are transmitted to humans through the bite of a female Aedes mosquito, which acquires the viruses while feeding, normally on the blood of an infected person. 登革病毒通过雌性伊蚊的叮咬传播到人类,这要求病毒通过伊蚊的取食传播,通常是一个已感染的患者的血。
The denial of a recognized nationality, just as the denial of a recognized citizenship, constitutes a legally cognizable injury-in-fact for the purpose of standing. 否定公认国籍,如同否定公认公民权,于是构成兴讼论据的法定事实损害。
The denominating of Socialist Modernity not only remedies the failing of the west concept of Modernity in response to the discourse of Socialist Modernity in an undeveloped stage which hides behind the west concept of Modernity, but also uncovers and desc 社会主义现代性的命名,不仅可以在现代性概念系统内部弥补西方现代性概念之不足,直接呼应潜藏于西方现代性理论内部的、尚处于萌芽和预想状态的社会主义现代性言述,而且能够从理论上揭示与描述20世纪中国文学文论为社会主义事业服务这一特殊而本质的现代性规定。
The dense fog delayed the plane's taking off. 大雾耽误了飞机起飞。
The dense mass of whitish spines also helps to reflect incoming radiation, further reducing transpiration. 密集的白色刺也可帮助反射获得的辐射,进一步减少蒸发作用。
The dense person of assiduous, sincere letter and the dense company that innovate ceaselessly will submit satisfactory result to broad new Laogu's guest with more good quality, excellent service. 勤奋、诚信的森森人和不断创新的森森公司将以更加优良的品质、优质的服务向广大新老顾客提交满意答案。
The dense prairies of oceanic Posidonia (seagrass), an important endemic species found only in the Mediterranean basin, contain and support a diversity of marine life. 伊维萨岛边地中海盆地所特有的波西多尼亚海草成长茂盛,蕴含和支撑着海洋生物的多样性。
The dense white nodules of calcification are present on either valve surface. 在瓣膜的表面可见密集的白色钙化灶。
The densification of glass bead was studied with different green densities at different temperature to burn out the binde. 摘要用不同密度的玻璃绝缘子生坯,在不同温度下排蜡,研究了玻璃绝缘子的致密化。
The density carves the pathway through which the light moves to sustain life; if one loses all density, then suddenly one also loses the pathway through which the light and energy flows which creates a form of chaos. 致密刻画一条透过其中,光明流动来维系生命的路径,如果一个人失去所有致密,那么突然之间,你也失去了光明与能量流动的路径并制造一片混乱。

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