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Bob washed down the hotdog with a bottle of Coke.

Bob took the stick for a snake. 鲍勃误以为这根棍子是蛇。
Bob visits his rich uncle every week; he's always had an eye on the main chance. 鲍勃每周都去拜访他有钱的叔叔,他总是图谋私利的。
Bob was art and part in the crime. 鲍勃策划并参与了这项罪行。
Bob was determined to become a CEO,even if he had to ride out a few years in lower positions at the company. 鲍伯下定决心一定要当CEO,尽管他知道他需要在公司里面比较低下等的职位捱上几年。
Bob was out of sorts all morning, thinking about the failure of the experiment. 鲍勃整上午都没有精打采的,老想着试验失败的事儿。
Bob washed down the hotdog with a bottle of Coke. 鲍勃就着一瓶可乐把热狗吃了下去。
Bob woke up very early on Christmas morning because he was eager to open his presents. 鲍勃圣诞节早上醒得很早,因为他急着要拆礼物。
Bob would not go to town barefooted if he had all his marbles. 鲍勃要是不犯傻的话,就不会赤着脚进城。
Bob's behavior isn't very nice. 鲍勃的行为举止叫人讨厌。
Bob's black bike's back brake broke. 鲍勃黑色自行车的后闸坏了。
Bob's father and Jane's father are good friends. 鲍伯的父亲和珍的父亲是好朋友。

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