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But the most-important thing for him is to get fit and well and kick on for next season.

But the most important move that Mr Abe could make to help reconcile his foreign-policy ambitions with the neighbours' suspicions is to avoid visiting Yasukuni. 但是为使其外交政策的野心与各邻国的猜忌相安无事,安倍所需采取的最重要的举动就是不要参拜靖国神社。
But the most part of this area is covered by ocean and desert, in which the meteorite craters are a myth that people will never testify them. 然而,此地带大部分地区是大海和沙漠,陨石坑已是人们看不见的永远无从考证的迷了。
But the most skeptical Gates of the new millennium is someone who evinces a passion for giving and government aid. 但新千年盖茨对此持怀疑态度,热衷于施舍和政府援助。
But the most sorrowful is that what we have is not what we really want at all. 不过最大的悲哀莫过于得到的原来不是自己真正想要的。
But the most unfortunate are those whose revolutions have succeeded. 但最不幸的是那些革命成功的人。
But the most-important thing for him is to get fit and well and kick on for next season. 不过对他来说,最重要的莫过于能够健康的参加下赛季的比赛。”
But the mountain shall be thine; for it is a wood, and thou shalt cut it down: and the outgoings of it shall be thine: for thou shalt drive out the Canaanites, though they have iron chariots, and though they be strong. 书17:18山地也要归你、虽是树林你也可以砍伐、靠近之地、必归你.迦南人虽有铁车、虽是强盛、你也能把他们赶出去。
But the move against Tyson, which follows criticism aimed at China by the Bush administration last week, has raised fears that a full-blown trade dispute may be brewing. 但中国政府对泰臣食品等美国公司采取的措施令人担忧,中美之间可能正酝酿着一场全面贸易冲突。上周,布什政府就食品安全问题对中国进行了批评。
But the move has not gone down well with students who say they hate their lives being regulated. 但这一举措实施的并不顺利,学生们说他们不喜欢自己的生活受管制。
But the move towards electronic exchanges in the US as well as Europe, the fragmentation of liquidity and the rise of the internet is giving it momentum. 但是,美国和欧洲向电子交易所发展的趋势、流动性分割,以及互联网的兴起,为这种业务提供了动力。
But the movement's implosion is nevertheless astonishing. 然而,这场运动的内爆令人震惊。

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