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Faust, Oh, no! With symptoms like that, you must stay in bed!

Faust, I wish to have a look at the Guild's assassination records. 「我想过目一下组织的暗杀纪录。」
Faust, It is my belief that prevention is more important than cure. I'm gonna do you a favor and cure that personality of yours. 「我总是相信『预防胜于治疗』,让我帮妳个忙,治治妳那扭曲的人格吧。」
Faust, Miss, are you alright? 「小姐,妳没事吧?」
Faust, No, I mean, don't you want to find your friend? 「那个...妳不是要找妳的朋友吗?」
Faust, Now that we've come this far, I won't let you die. Saving lives is what a doctor's job is all about! 「都已经到这种地步了,我不会让你死的。救人正是医生的职责啊!」
Faust, Oh, no! With symptoms like that, you must stay in bed! 「不妙!都已经有这种症状了,你得待在床上静养才行!」
Faust, The value of life is not measured in numbers. And I would appreciate it if you did not call my by that name. So, who hired you? 「生命的价值是不能用数量判断的,还有请你别用那个名字称呼我。那麽,到底是谁要你做的?」
Faust, Those eyes, that ambition... You are headed off to battle, are you not? 「那眼神和气势...你现在是要去战斗对吧?」
Faust, What can I do for you, miss? 「请问有什麽事呢,小姐?」
Faust, Why are you suddenly being so open with this information? 「你怎麽突然这麽大方地告诉我这些了?」
Faust, You cannot fight in that condition. 「浑身是伤要怎麽战呢。」

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