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Because of you, I know that I will be a real woman, a mature woman, a prefect woman eventually.

Because of various of reasons, there are many unsatisfactory problems in police colleges' practical teaching. 摘要由于种种原因,公安院校的实践教学存在着许多不尽如人意的地方。
Because of various requirements of wavelet in application, a method based on construction of smooth orthonormal wavelets libraries is proposed to solve this problem, The construction of smooth orthonormal wavelets libraries is based on sufficient regulari 摘要针对实际应用中小波的多样性要求,提出应用构造光滑正交小波库的方法来解决这个矛盾,光滑正交小波库是基于规则性、非冗余性、完备性进行构造。
Because of what she has named her baby daughter, I now think that she and her boyfriend are a couple of idiots. 因为她这样为小女儿提名字,我现在认为她和她的男朋友是一对白痴。
Because of you, I am afraid. 因为它向来都不是完整的。
Because of you, I am not lonely any more. 082因为有你我就不孤单。
Because of you, I know that I will be a real woman, a mature woman, a prefect woman eventually. 因为你,我知道,自己终将成为一个真正的女人,一个成熟的女人,一个完美的女人!
Because of you, I know though “frailty, thy name is woman!”, I have stronger will more than before. 因为你,我发现,虽然脆弱的名字叫女人,可是我远比想象中的自己更加坚强!
Because of you, I self-questioning, whom I am? What on earth I am a woman or a girl? 因为你,我省视自己。我是谁?我究竟是一个女人还是一个女孩?
Because of you, we became a group of your Princess of Lily flower with no regret. 因为你,我们义无反顾地成为了一群你的百合公主。
Because of you,I'll remember that one minute. 因为你,我会记得那一分钟。
Because of your charming eyes. 因为你那迷人的眼睛。

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