Most of the sensory integrative dysfunction children not only have primary psychophysiological problems, such as hyperactivity, distractivity, clumsiness, poor visual perception et al, but also have secondary problems, such as emotional disturbance, behav
摘要经感受统合测验评估为感受统合失调的儿童,临床显示他们除了好动、不专心、动作笨拙、视、听知觉差、语言能力不佳等原发感受统合问题外,常伴随情绪障碍、行为问题、学习障碍及人际关系差等次发问题,在治疗过程中干扰活动之运作。 |
Most of the shore is rocky, but there is a sandy beach.
沿海大部分为岩石,但也有一部分沙滩。 |
Most of the simulations showed Smoke moving around in Air.
大部分的模拟展示的是烟雾在空气中流动。 |
Most of the some 120 reported H5N1 human flu victims in Asia had direct contact with infected birds, their feces or nasal secretions.
亚洲120位感染H5N1型病毒的人中,大多数和感染了禽流感的家禽及其粪便或者鼻腔里的分泌物有过接触。 |
Most of the state leaders viewed the exhibits en masse and gave high praise of them.
大多数国家领导人看了全部展览品,给予了高度赞扬。 |
Most of the stones of Stonehenge stand in incomplete formations of circles.
多数的石头以一种未完成的形式站立着。 |
Most of the strain were resistant to penicilinc and ampicillin while was sensitive to cephalosporin antibiotic.
多数菌株对青霉素及氨苄青霉素耐药,而头孢菌素对各种细菌的敏感性较好。 |
Most of the street parking is gone by then.
那个时候街上大多数都没有停车的地方了。 |
Most of the students have already felt the pressure of soaring inflation.
大多数大学生都已经感受到通货膨胀的压力。 |
Most of the students have their own mobile phones and which facilitate their life a lot!
很多同学都拥有自己的手机,这给他们的生活带来了很多方便。 |
Most of the students in my collage have enrolled in the course of web page design and the computer center is always filled with people day and night.
我们学校的大部分学生都选了网页设计这门课,计算机中心里白天晚上都挤满了人。 |