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So some buildings don't have the thirteenth floor, instead, they go from the twelfth to the fourteenth floor.

So simple—and so blithe. (他的想法)太天真,也太轻巧。
So simple,yet so complex. 既简单又复杂。
So slowly that most people cannot perceive any visual change over the course of normal day-to-day living or during the length of the ownership of their car. 很多人在感官上觉察不出日久天长所带来的损害或者车的寿命有多长。
So so! ---- 马马虎虎!
So some Chinese butchers specialize in slaughtering dogs. 中国的一些屠夫就是专门杀狗的。
So some buildings don't have the thirteenth floor, instead, they go from the twelfth to the fourteenth floor. 所以一些建筑物都没有十三楼,相反,它们是从十二楼直上到十四楼。
So some criminals began committing perpetration through QQ, such as some illegal operation or deal, seduction of some pure young lady or dissemination of some pornographic picture or live show. 因此一些罪犯通过QQ进行犯罪活动,比如一些非法交易、诱拐单纯的少女或传播一些黄色图片或现场表演。
So some guerrillas came and ped a bench outside this small shack. 所以一些游击队员来了,在小棚屋外面的石凳下设置了炸弹。
So some investors see stronger stock performance ahead for the property sector -- and they say a short-term stumble in October could provide deft buyers with even bigger gains later on. 因此在一些投资者看来,房地产类股走强正是房地产业开始回暖的先声,他们断定,如果聪明的投资者能抓住房地产业10月份短暂受挫的机会买进该行业的股票,那么他们今后获得的投资收益还会更大。
So some measures are proposed to construct a practice teaching system which would be more beneficial to the undergraduate: Such as more innovative experimentation, strengthening the students' practical base, developing better projects and major skills tra 可以通过改革实验设置和内容、加强实习基地建设、改革毕业论文完成方式、设立和完善专业技能训练课程、开展多种形式的课外实践教学活动、加强实践教学管理等途径来构建利于培养学生创业能力的实践教学体系。
So some sort of shift seems to be under way. 因此,某种变化似乎正在进行。

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