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We may lose a lot of support, but that's a chance we'll have to take.

We may list all your images, or partially, at our discretion. 我们可以任意列出你们的全部或者部分产品。
We may live to see the extinction of the whale. 人类或许能亲眼见到鲸的灭绝.
We may look at the world around us,but someone we manage not to see it until whatever we`ve become used to suddenly disappears. 我们可以看看周围的世界。但是我们中的一些人却看不见直到我们所熟悉的一切突然消失??
We may look into every possible reason except the real one. 我们有可能调查了真正原因以外的所有原因。
We may look into every possible reason, however, foremost reason for .... Is .... 其实有很多原因,不过,造成________的最重要的原因是______________。
We may lose a lot of support, but that's a chance we'll have to take. 我们或许会失去很多支持,但这个风险我们必须冒一冒。
We may make some simple notes while listening, for examples, the names of people and places, time, age, distance, occupation, figures and so on to get a better understanding of the content. 在作听力练习时,我们可以作些简单的笔记,例如人名,地名,时间,年龄,职业,数字等以便更好地理解材料.当然还要以听为主.
We may need more materials. (我们也许需要更多的材料。)
We may need to take stock again of the value of dreams, and to make an assessment concerning dreams in general. 我们可能需要重新估量梦的价值,并在一般意义上作出关于梦的评估。
We may not have a clear picture of how we want the pieces to fit together, but is there is a better topic of ongoing conversation, I can't think of it. 我们也许还不能有一幅我们所希望的零散片段整合在一起时的清晰画面,但是,我不能想出另外的一个更合适的可持续谈论的话题了。
We may not have the answers yet; we may not be able to articulate exactly how a man should be strong without violence and anger, sensitive and compassionate without losing self-focus, generous without giving himself away. 我们还不能得到答案;我们还不能清楚明确地说出一个男人如何能在没有暴力、愤怒、和敏感下变得强大;在失去自我关注时而富有同情心;在不自我奉献时变得慷慨。

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