Palmer: I am so glad to hear of your ready agreement. Your fairness in business dealings is really unsurpassed. shall we send you a letter confirming this?
帕:听到你这么痛快地同意,我很高兴。办理业务这么公平,真的谁也比不上你。我们将寄信给你证实这个协议,好吗? |
Palmer: I have to remind you that our terms are C.I.F London port.
帕:我得提醒你,我们成交的条款是伦敦到岸价。 |
Palmer: I must confe that the air trip is really a long one.
帕:我该承认这次乘飞机航程够长的了。 |
Palmer: I must confess that the air trip is really a long one.
帕:我该承认这次乘飞机航程够长的了。 |
Palmer: Thanks ever so much for your co-operation, Mr Tang. Good-bye.
帕:万分感谢你的合作。唐先生,再会。 |
Palms and azaleas were banked round the porter's lodge.
在门房周围摆满了棕榈和杜鹃花。 |
Palpatine flew in this vessel during his voyage to Mustafar, to recover the ruined form of his apprentice, Darth Vader.
帕尔帕丁在去木斯塔法时使用了该船,来恢复他的徒弟达斯维达面目全非的形体。 |
Palpatine has long since recognized these vulnerabilities and as of Attack of the Clones, is clearly manipulating them.
帕尔帕丁早已意识到这些弱点,而且到《克隆人的进攻》为止,他很明显地熟练地利用着阿纳金的这些弱点。 |
Palpation revealed a stony hard left eyeball and his visual acuity bad also deteriorated.
在诊断疑似眼球后出血的情况下马上给予外科与内科疗法。 |
Palram Industries Group is a leading multinational manufacturer of thermoplastic sheets.
帕拉姆工业集团是全球领先的热塑性板材的跨国企业。 |
Palram coverings help control climatic conditions, eliminate condensation dripping, confront weathering and chemical issues and allow your agricultural structures to last longer.
帕拉姆板材可以抵御恶劣天气影响、防止滴露、减缓自然侵蚀和化学物质腐蚀,使您的农用结构寿命更加长久。 |