The lake, the largest in the insular Pacific (15,500 ha), is brackish and contains many rugged limestone islands and endemic species.
这个面积为一万五千五百公顷的太平洋上岛屿中最大的湖泊,是一个咸水湖,包括许多崎岖不平的石灰石岛屿以及当地的特有的物种。 |
The lakes may have undergone numerous episodes of inundation, evaporation (and possibly freezing), and desiccation.
这些湖泊可能经历过很多次氾滥、蒸发(甚至冻结)及乾涸。 |
The lakes, which are formed by melting permafrost as temperatures rise, have long been known to emit methane, a more potent kind of greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
这些湖泊是由于温度升高造成永冻土融化后形成的,很久前就知道它们能释放沼气,而沼气的温室效应比二氧化碳更严重,但一直以来难以确切知道释放的数量。 |
The lamb and beef is halal; fresh pork – the most popular meat in China – is nowhere to be seen.
羊肉和牛肉属于清真食物,而作为中国最常见的肉类,新鲜猪肉在此难觅踪迹。 |
The lamb had to be brought up by hand.
这只小羊要用奶瓶喂养. |
The lamb has fallen to the Sultan$s beak.
这个小羊羔倒在了苏丹的利喙下面。 |
The lamb was lame in its lap.
羔羊的大腿是跛的。 |
The lambs are taken to the local abattoir to be slaughtered.
这些羔羊被送到当地屠宰场,将被屠宰。 |
The lambs capered in the field.
那些羔羊在原野里轻快地跳跃。 |
The lambs capered in the meadow.
小羊在草地上蹦蹦跳跳。 |
The lambs were capering about in the fields.
小羊羔在田野里跳跃嬉戏。 |