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Incremental revenues are only one reason these companies are taking the plunge into cross-media ad sales.

Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm, and upper back pain. 更令人难以置信的是,还可以消除肩膀、上臂和后背的疼痛。
Incredibly, no one had ever thought of such a simple idea before. 真是难以相信,这样简单的主意竟没有人想到过。
Incredibly, no one had ever thought of such a simple idea before. 真是难以置信,这样简单的主意竟没有人想到。
Incremental costs by definition related to the additional costs of making a change, such as increasing the level of activity adding a new product line. 增量成本的含义是指经营活动发生某种变化,如业务量提高或增加一条新的产品线所额外增加的成本。
Incremental innovations not only serve as signals about the potential of the new design, but they also change firms' positions in the race. 后期对该款式持续不断的改进和创新不仅可以反映出该新款设计的市场潜力,而且也可提升公司在市场竞争中的地位.
Incremental revenues are only one reason these companies are taking the plunge into cross-media ad sales. 增量收入是这些公司在多媒体广告销售上赴汤蹈火的唯一理由。
Incubation for 60 minutes guarantees antibody or antigen responding well with the corresponding antigen or antibody. 60分钟的样品温育时间,保证了标本中的抗体或抗原能否与相应的抗原或抗体充分反应。
Incubation lasts anywhere from 24-28 days, and seems to be temperature dependent. 孵化期为24–28天,具体取决于温度条件。
Inculcate the habit of deliberation. 养成深思熟虑的习惯。
Incurred substantial losses during the stock market crash. 在股票市场剧跌时蒙受了巨大的物质损失
Incurring the wrath of their God would have dire consequences as well. 招致主神愤怒也同样有死亡的后果。

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